A Poem About Basketball

Basketball going throught the hoop.

Picture by Markus Spiske.


On the asphalt where hoops and dreams unite,
A court of destiny shines in glorious light.
Where echoes of legends forever resound,
I tell a tale of basketball, so profound.

With leather in hand, they embark on the court,
dribbling and dancing, to this amazing sport.
Heartbeats with rhythm, their feet take flight,
As they glide through the air, reaching great heights.

The ball leaves their fingers, what a beautiful release,
gracefully through the air, a celestial peace.
It finds the net, a melodic swish,
A moment of triumph, an eternal wish.

The court becomes a stage, where warriors compete,
Each possession a battle, victory so sweet.
The dribbles, the passes, the thunderous dunks,
unbelievable moments where all myths debunk.

A symphony of footsteps, synchronized beats,
teammates in harmony, dancing to the beats.
With every rebound, a story is told,
As passion and skill unfold.

The crowd roars, their spirits ignited,
The air is electric, as dreams are united.
Legends are born, in moments so grand,
Where heroes emerge, with the ball in hand.

From the playgrounds to the grand arenas,
The game unites us all, where the smallest of heroes can stand tall.
A global language, spoken without words,
Where dreams take flight, and our eyes witness the absurd.

So let us celebrate this beautiful game,
Where players chase glory, and victory they proclaim.
A testament to the human spirit’s desire,
Where basketball transcends, elevating higher.

With every shot, and in every block,
as the crowd roars the stadium is rocked.
The poetry of basketball sings and soars,
In the fabric of moments, forever adored.

© David Burton Rights Reserved.

Listen To The Poem on The Last Podcast

The poem about basketball is on my podcast. Listen Here

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1 Comment

  1. In the realm of the basketball court, where destiny converges with dreams, the game unveils the profound interplay between human ambition, unity, and the transcendent beauty found in the pursuit of excellence.


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